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Showing posts from October, 2010

Quick Update from the Road

What a whirlwind.  Whoa. Last Tuesday morning, I left on a road trip with a friend to attend another friend's wedding--in middle-of-nowhere western Wisconsin.  The wedding was this past Saturday.  With that many miles to travel, we chose to extend a bit on both ends to visit friends, family, and make an urban-agriculture tour of it. Starting pre-wedding, last Wednesday, we visited Growing Power  in Milwaukee.  Imagine greenhouses growing food all winter in Wisconsin. Not only that: imagine that underneath two shelves of greens, in the middle of the greenhouse they're raising 10,000 tilapia in a single tank-- made out of simple materials like 4x4s, plywood and plastic liner.  It's brilliant: with a single pump, they're able to fertilize the plants with fish waste and purify the fish water via the plants.  Closed-loop. After the wedding-- in rural farm country-- we headed back for the city.  In Chicago, we swung by a Chicago Growing Power site...

Last Spring I Used to Wonder...

Eight months back when this social enterprise of mine was still in its infancy , I used to wonder why-- when I visited the blogs of incredible food gardening nonprofits and social enterprises like that of Growing Power , they posted so infrequently.  Why?  When so many folks looked to them for stories of the emerging food movement, when their CEO, Will Allen is featured on the cover of Time magazine with a heaping handful of red worms and he's invited to a White House state dinner, etc-- why aren't their more posts of their work and Will Allen's adventures?  For instance, right now, their last post is from August 19th where they share this video about a Growing Food and Justice Conference that was hosted by Growing Power in Milwaukee: I'm beginning to understand.  Take a look at this picture of my truck.  It's been looking like this a lot lately: After loading with lumber, compost, strawberry plants (for a 4x10 strawberry garden)-- in addition to shovels,...

Workshops, Workshops, Read All About it

  Exhibited and Presented at Senior Center, Thur 9/30 Amidst installing raised food gardens, visiting school gardens (School for Arts and Sciences, Cornerstone, and Roberts Elementary), walking alongside Midtown and Walkerford neighborhoods as they work to create community gardens in their adjacent city parks, I've also been getting ready for a few workshops.  While on the subject, I might as well introduce my new workshops page .  This is where I'll post info regarding food garden workshops on an ongoing basis. This Wednesday, Oct 6th at 10:30-11:30am I'll be at Jake Gaither Community Center for Southside Senior Day to teach "Fall Vegetable Gardening." Saturday, Oct 16th at 9am I'll be leading a "Fall Food Garden Workshop" at Manna on Meridian food pantry for food recipients and church members just behind Faith Presbyterian Church (in the childrens' "God's Giving Garden") on N. Meridian Rd at John Knox.  "Save money ā€“ ...