A couple weeks back, Randy and Irene, got in touch with me about helping them start a garden. Only...they wanted "their" garden to go in their neighbor's yard. Come to find out, they were actually partnering with said neighbors-- in addition to another family across the street to start and maintain a raised vegetable ("community" or "friends") garden. The family with the most sun offered their backyard; Randy and Irene oversaw and joined me in the work of planting, and the other family will help as needed. When harvest time comes, they'll share the bounty.
A couple weeks back, Randy and Irene, got in touch with me about helping them start a garden. Only...they wanted "their" garden to go in their neighbor's yard. Come to find out, they were actually partnering with said neighbors-- in addition to another family across the street to start and maintain a raised vegetable ("community" or "friends") garden. The family with the most sun offered their backyard; Randy and Irene oversaw and joined me in the work of planting, and the other family will help as needed. When harvest time comes, they'll share the bounty.