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Showing posts from January, 2015

See You in March

And we're off!  Mary Elizabeth and I are hopping on a plane this afternoon for a two month stint in Nicaragua and Ecuador to learn spanish, culture, dance, as much about history, and, of course, community-based food systems as we're able. We'll be back in March for the month. While I'm around, I'll be partnering up with Sundiata Ameh-El of  iGrow  to put in and ramp up as many food gardens as possible (which means, if you've got food gardening work that needs doing, send me an email with subject line "March Food Garden Work"  to get on my list asap. Compost deliveries, consults, new gardens, edible orchards, workshops, & community garden developments all apply). My other major goal during March is to grow Tallahassee Food Network 's financial base. Tallahassee Food Network is our regional coalition of the global movement that works to grow community-based good food systems. I'm eager to see its internal capacity grow through staffing...